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用VR做梦 超现实的解谜游戏《Wake Up》登陆Steam

VR dream surreal puzzle game "Wake Up" on Steam

2016-08-12 09:05:35来源: 新浪

奥地利开发商Black Cell的《Wake Up》是一款超现实的解谜游戏,于前天登陆Steam平台,该作带有非常精美的美术风格和引人入胜的声音设计,而VR游戏的音乐设计在游戏体验过程当中至关重要。 具备游戏条件的玩家不妨一试。 《Wake Up》的风格有点神秘,但是它的理念很简...

Austria Black Cell Wake Up "developer" is a surreal puzzle game, on the day before landing Steam platform, with the exquisite art style and fascinating sound design, music and design VR game is crucial in the process of game experience. Players with game conditions may try. The style of "Wake Up" is a little mysterious, but its idea is very simple.

标签: 游戏 Steam VR