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《星际传奇》新版本即将来袭 全新内容引期待

The new version of "star legend" is about to hit new content cited expectations

2015-09-30 14:17:39来源: 新广网

首款3D星际集火射击手游《星际传奇》已于7月9日开启全平台不删档测试,在玩家群体中拥有着超高的人气,引发夏季超未来星际争夺战。据悉,《星际传奇》在近期将会推出全新版本,新英雄、新英雄装备、新的VIP福利等多样内容助力玩家新一轮征程。 全新人物加入战局 三位英雄蓄势待发 《星际传奇...

first section of 3D star massed shooters Tour "star legend" have been on July 9, open platform test does not delete files, in the group of players has a high popularity, caused summer super future interstellar battle. It is reported that the star legend in the near future will launch a new version, new heroes, new hero equipment, new VIP benefits and other diverse content to help players a new round of journey. New characters join the war three hero ready "star legend...

标签: 星际传奇