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江湖四年方得始终 《九阴真经》玩家COS欣赏

The arena for four years the party must always "jiuyinzhenjing" game player COS

2016-06-22 15:22:33来源: 新浪

新浪游戏讯 时至今日,大侠们进入《九阴真经》的江湖生活已经四年了。江湖中点点滴滴的成长,每一桩恩仇,每一招武学都是大侠们在江湖中的美美的回忆。今天,一位女侠照着自己珍藏许久的江湖留影,COS了自己最喜欢的移花宫。一起来欣赏一番吧! 注:本文图片均来自于九阴吧女侠“绮罗笙歌丶”。 ...

Sina game news today, the heroes enter "jiuyinzhenjing" arena of life is four years. Rivers and lakes in the little drops of the growth of each pile strange, every move are heroes in the martial arts arena in the beautiful memories. Today, a woman in his own treasure for a long time the arena pictures, his most love the Yihuagong COS. Come and enjoy yourself! Note: the pictures are from the human resource ", and it nvxia qiluo". ...

标签: 玩家