新关注 > 信息聚合 > 令人遗憾:Gaming Paradise联赛取消DOTA2项目

令人遗憾:Gaming Paradise联赛取消DOTA2项目

Regrettable: League gaming paradise cancel projects dota2

2015-09-08 11:43:14来源: 超级玩家

原定于在斯洛文尼亚Portoz举行的Gaming Paradise2015(游戏天堂2015)联赛被取消了,这个联赛本来是很受关注的,因为有许多令人期待的新队伍都报名参加了,比如Secert战队和Monkey Freedom Fighters (MFF)战队。这个联赛的CS:GO项目最近...

is scheduled to be held in Slovenia Portoz gaming Paradise2015 (game heaven 2015) League was cancelled, the League originally is popular, because there are many exciting new team enrolled in, such as Secert clan and the monkey freedom fighters (MFF) team. The league's CS:GO project has recently...

标签: DOTA