新关注 > 信息聚合 > 京东组建电竞战队 主攻LOL守望先锋月薪4000起

京东组建电竞战队 主攻LOL守望先锋月薪4000起

Jingdong e-sports teams representing form, LOL watchman pioneer 4000 a month

2017-03-23 00:00:00来源: 人民网

京东官方宣布将与七煌电竞学院合作,联手创办电竞战队JD Gaming。 战队主攻英雄联盟和守望先锋两个项目,选手可通过“京东电竞青训营”参加试训,通过面试后可获得4000—20000元左右的月薪。 官方表示,京东电竞青训营和战队JD Gaming的管理运营将由七煌电竞学院全面负责,京东希望借助七煌电竞学院的帮助,使战队尽快加入各大电竞联赛,并通过青训营建立各个热门项目的战队,完善的电竞人才体系,为京东战队输送电竞人才。 试训要求方面,此次只提及了两个项目:《英雄联盟》及《守望先锋》。其中《英雄联盟》分为男女队,男队要求为S7赛季艾欧尼亚大区大师300点以上,韩服S7赛季大师以上。女队...

Jingdong officially announced and seven greatest e-sports college cooperation, jointly founded e-sports teams JD Gaming. Pioneer team main hero alliance and watch two projects, players can be "jingdong e-sports academy" to participate in the trial, after the interview may obtain 4000-20000 yuan monthly salary. Official said jingdong e-sports youth system and team JD Gaming management operations will be fully responsible for e-sports college by seven bright, jingdong hope with the help of e-sports college seven bright, make the team as soon as possible to join the major e-sports league, and through the youth system set up various hot project team, e-sports talent system for jingdong e-sports talent team delivery. Trial requirements, the only referring to the two projects: "hero alliance" and "watchman pioneer". Which is divided into men's "heroes", the boys' demands for S7 season ai the California regional master more than 300 points, han2 fu2 S7 season master above. The girls...