新关注 > 信息聚合 > 艾瑞网:中国网络游戏Q3市场规模达353.9亿


ClickZ Network: China's online game market reached 35.39 billion Q3

2015-12-08 11:51:17来源: 4399

根据数据网站艾瑞的调查,2015年的Q3财报,中国网络游戏市场规模达到353.9亿,环比增长5.5%,同比增长24.5%。其中移动游戏占比升至35.1%,PC端游占比小于50%,达48%。未来移动游戏的占比有望超过PC游戏。 艾瑞分析认为,移动游戏已成为推动网络游戏整体市场的增长的核心...

According to data website Ereli survey 2015 Q3 earnings report, China's online game market reached 35.39 billion, growth of 5.5%, an increase of 24.5%. Wherein the mobile gaming accounted for rose to 35.1%, PC side trips accounted for less than 50% to 48%. The future of mobile gaming is expected to exceed the proportion of PC games. Ereli analysis, mobile gaming has become the core of online games to promote the overall market growth ...

标签: 游戏