新关注 > 信息聚合 > 乐鱼游戏全球发布会在天津高新区举办


By global gaming conference in Tianjin hi tech Zone held

2015-11-16 14:44:39来源: 中国网滨海高新

助力天津本土游戏产业成功出海 滨海高新网讯 11月11日,全球知名手游发行商Chillingo(麒麟狗)与中国知名开发商乐鱼游戏(Happyfish Games)在高新区智慧山跨界书店,举办3D直升机手游大作《王牌中队Battle Copters》全球发布。大家饶有兴趣的观看了游戏的...

power of Tianjin local game industry success of the sea Binhai new network news November 11, the world's leading mobile game issue business chillingo (Kirin dog) and the well known Chinese developers or game (Happyfish games in high tech Zone wisdom mountain cross-border bookstore, organized 3D helicopter tour as the Ace Squadron battle Copters "global release. We were interested to watch the game...

标签: 游戏