新关注 > 信息聚合 > 靠IP圈钱的美国游戏《星际迷航:时间线》


By IP circle money American game "star trek: timeline"

2016-05-26 00:57:59来源: 17173

说到《星际迷航(Star Trek)》可能在国内并不会有太多人知道,不过毕竟在国内上映的《星际迷航11》、《星际迷航12暗黑无界》还是让一些观众有所耳闻,但如果换做美国本土,那就好比“四大名著”对国人心中的影响,就好比神秘博士(Dr. Who)在英国人心中的地位,这是无可比拟的,最近《星...

When it comes to the Star Trek (Star Trek) may at home does not have too many people know, but after all, in the domestic release of 11 "interstellar get lost", "interstellar get lost 12 diablo unbounded" let some audience heard, but if in the United States, that would be like "four great classical novels" influence on Chinese minds, like doctor Who (Dr. Who) position in the heart of the UK, it is incomparable, recently the Star...

标签: 游戏 星际迷航