新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《看火人》制作组将协助V社开发《半衰期》新作


The production team of "fire watcher" will assist V society to develop new works of "half life"

2019-12-04 10:41:59来源: 游戏时光

早在 2018 年 4 月,开发了《看火人》的独立游戏团队 Campo Santo 宣布加入 Valve 并协助其开发新游戏,近日 Valve 称该工作室正在参与《半衰期:爱莉克斯》《刀塔霸业》的开发以及 Steam 的建设。作为一个 12 名成员的开发团队,Campo Santo 由《行尸走肉》《饥荒》开发商前员工组建,在《看火人》推出后还公布了一款埃及沙漠主视角冒险游戏《神之谷》 ,不过该团队创始人 Jake Rodkin 称目前《神之谷》的开发已暂时搁置。神之谷Valve 旗下 VR 游戏《半衰期:爱莉克斯》即将于明年 3 月发售,在那之后 Campo Santo 的开发人员会不会重返《...

As early as April 2018, Campo Santo, an independent game team who developed "the fire watcher", announced to join valve and assist it in developing new games. Recently, valve said that the studio was participating in the development of "half life: Alex", "knife tower" and the construction of steam. As a 12 member development team, Campo Santo was formed by former employees of the developers of walking dead and famine. After the launch of the fire watcher, Campo Santo also released an Egyptian desert perspective adventure game, valley of God, but the founder of the team, Jake rodkin, said that the development of valley of God has been put on hold for now. Valley of God's VR game "half-life: Alex" will be released in March next year. After that, will Campo Santo's developers return to the