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感恩六年从心出发 原班人马打造《蜀门》手游

Gratitude for six years starting from the heart Player-wise build "shu door" mobile game

2016-03-11 12:21:14来源: 游久网

六年前,云蟾怀着打造民族网游优秀品牌的热情和坚持,经过无数曲折、努力才创造出现今无数人心中的经典——《蜀门》。2016年,经典将以新的形式再度延续——云蟾将推出《蜀门》同名手游,重新开启那段令人难以忘怀的青春时光! 《蜀门》端游六年,感恩八千万玩家 2009年,6年的时间,《蜀门》与...

Six years ago, YunChan with national games the enthusiasm of the excellent brand and insist, after several twists and turns, efforts to create a classic - "the shu kingdom" in the minds of countless. 2016, classics will continue again in a new form -- YunChan will launch "shu door" mobile game with the same name, reopened the youth that unforgettable. "Shu kingdom" the six years, Thanksgiving eighty million players in 2009, six years, "shu kingdom" with...

标签: 手游