新关注 > 信息聚合 > 台湾游戏橘子、乐升3000万成立合资手游公司


Taiwan Gamania, Le rose 30000000 to set up a joint venture company

2014-12-27 19:44:59来源: 新浪

台湾游戏橘子与乐升科技昨日(25日)宣布共同合资成立疯糖数位手游公司,专注打造手游营运平台,该公司资本额3,000万元,游戏橘子持股51%、乐升持股49%,不排除在适当时机引进海内外策略合作伙伴。 未来,游戏橘子将主导疯糖数位的市场营运和发行业务,而乐升则是提供自主研发产品,国际合作...

Taiwan Gamania and HIMAX technologies yesterday (25) announced a joint venture established crazy sugar digital Mobile Games company, dedicated to create Mobile Games operating platform, the company capital 30000000 yuan, 51% shareholding, orange game XPEC holding 49%, do not rule out the introduction of overseas strategic partners at the appropriate time. The future, the game will dominate the crazy sugar orange digital market operation and distribution business, while the music rises is to provide independent research and development of products, international cooperation...

标签: 手游 游戏