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Friends talk almost know how to treat water EHOME to win the championship MDL

2016-02-02 15:32:11来源: 游久网

EHOME在MDL上夺取了冠军,一时也成为了众玩家闲话家常的话题。 水友ZZZ枢总结了关于西恩刀塔以及EHOME的一些心路历程,同时也阐述了为何其他中国队没能夺冠,字字珠玑,以下为原文。 看大图 大家都在开心的描述至昨日为止ehome的精彩表现和曾经的最吊这一团,我亦心有戚戚焉,兴...

EHOME on MDL to win the championship, and sometimes also become a topic of public players a nice chat. Friends of the water ZZZ pivot summarizes some of the mentality of the turret and EHOME about Sean, but also explained why the other Chinese team did not win, witty, following is the original. Enlarge everyone happy until yesterday ehome describe the wonderful performance and had the best hang this group, I also ahead of the game, Xing ...

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