新关注 > 信息聚合 > LOL S6奖金池曝光 现已突破五百万美元

LOL S6奖金池曝光 现已突破五百万美元

LOL S6 bonus pools exposure Now exceeds $five million

2016-10-30 06:03:23来源: 17173

《英雄联盟》S6世界总决赛自从引入众筹模式后,就受到了广大玩家的大力支持,今天拳头官方再次宣布了最新的数据,靠着冠军之隐劫和守卫的皮肤分成,本次英雄联盟世界总决赛的奖金已经达到了507万美金(约合人民币三千万)! 在过去的几个星期里,靠着粉丝购买的冠军劫和冠军守卫皮肤,S6的总奖金池已...

"Hero alliance" S6 world finals since the introduction of the raise pattern, the majority of players are strong support, fist official today announced the latest data, again against the champions of plunder and guard the skin into Cain, the hero alliance world finals bonus has already reached $5.07 million ($thirty million). In the past few weeks, by the champions of and guard of fans to buy skin, S6 total bonus pool is...

标签: LOL