新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《黑色沙漠》起诉外挂作者:每个用户赔偿3700元


Author Sue plugins black desert: each user compensation of 3700 yuan

2016-08-05 05:07:14来源: 新浪

新浪游戏讯 《黑色沙漠》运营商Kakao Games把《黑色沙漠》最流行外挂的作者JuJuBoSc告上了法庭,目前JuJuBoSc已关闭外挂服务器,停止外挂下载。 Kakao要求JuJuBoSc按每个外挂用户500欧元的标准进行赔偿,并且向Kakao提交外挂用户个人信息,方便他们进行...

Sina game - the black desert operators Kakao Games the author of the most popular plugins black desert JuJuBoSc sued, currently JuJuBoSc closed server plugin, stop the plugin download. Kakao requirements JuJuBoSc per plugin users to compensate standard of 500 euros, and submit a plugin to Kakao users' personal information, convenient they do...