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V5.0版全新体验 夜神模拟器首推扁平化视觉设计

God simulator version V5.0 new experience night first flat visual design

2017-07-28 00:00:00来源: 人民网

在行业竞争不断加剧的环境下,各安卓模拟器平台开始寻找破局之路,以挣脱同质化泥潭。而以技术创新领先的夜神安卓模拟器平台早已觉察到安卓模拟器行业这一现状,率先推出V5.0.0.0新版本的,将扁平化风格引入安卓模拟器行业,布局模拟器的界面市场。 此次夜神V5.0.0.0全新版本,将“极简”深入解读, 从安装界面、启动界面、皮肤设置、操作按键·····用户可感知的每一个细节都做了视觉架构的调整,去除和减少了多余元素,使整体界面让人从感官上觉得轻快。 夜神安卓模拟器V5.0.0.0的扁平化升级,并非为适应扁平化潮流,而是真的希望用户的注意力从过分聚焦在纷繁的界面元素,回归为重视内容本身,用户可以第...

Increasing competition in the industry environment, the android simulator platform to start looking for broken road, to throw off homogeneity. In technological innovation leading night god android simulator platform already aware of the android emulator industry present situation, the first to launch V5.0.0.0 new version, to the introduction of the flat style android simulator, layout simulator interface market. The night god V5.0.0.0 new version, will "minimalist" in-depth interpretation, from the installation interface, setting the startup interface, skin, operation buttons... the user perceived every detail to do the visual structure adjustment, remove and reduces the redundant elements, make integral interface lets a person feel light from the senses. Night god android simulator V5.0.0.0 flattening upgrade, not in order to adapt to flatter trend, but really hope the user's attention from focus too much on the numerous and complicated interface elements, return to pay attention to the content itself, the user can...