新关注 > 信息聚合 > 来自新加坡的ARPG 《地平线边缘》明年三月上架

来自新加坡的ARPG 《地平线边缘》明年三月上架

From Singapore ARPG "the edge of the horizon" shelves next march

2015-12-23 15:23:19来源: 4399

在今年3月的GDC2015上,一家来自新加坡的游戏开发商Oddity Studios带着他们的首款作品《地平线边缘》前往旧金山参展,略感遗憾的是,该作并没有引起太大的关注,不过该开发商看来并未放弃,就在近日,他们宣称这款游戏将于16年的3月份与大家见面。 据悉,《地平线边缘》是一款AR...

GDC2015 in March this year, a game developer from Singapore no make-up Studios with their first work "the edge of the horizon" to San Francisco, a little sadly, do not cause much attention, but the developers do not appear to give up, just recently, they claim that the game will meet with you in March 16 years. It is understood that the edge of the horizon is a AR...