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XY游戏《蓝月传奇》专访 1.85英雄合击版更具新鲜感

XY game "legend" blue month interview hero converging attack version 1.85 more novelty

2016-07-30 23:41:25来源: 新浪

新浪游戏:请您向大家介绍一下XY游戏《传奇盛世》和《蓝月传奇》这两款游戏各有什么特色吧? 《传奇盛世》作为复刻1.76版本的页游大作,游戏原汁原味呈现了经典传奇玩法,以野外Boss、沙巴克攻城、自由PK等玩法为核心,在PK打击感上做了提升,细腻展现出极具冲击感的打击效果。而《蓝月传奇》...

Sina game: would you please introduce the XY game prosperous time of legends, and "blue month legend" that what is the distinguishing feature each, right? Prosperous time of legends, as 1.76 version of the page and name, original presents classic legend play game, with the wild Boss, shabak siege, free PK game as the core, to do the promotion in the PK hit feeling, exquisite and show the impact of the effect of feeling extremely. While in the legend of the blue...

标签: 游戏