新关注 > 信息聚合 > 一手打造称霸宇宙的舰队《星锤:先驱预言》周四..


The first hand to create the universe to dominate the universe, the star hammer: Herald predicted on Thursday..

2015-12-09 12:00:22来源: 4399

有不少的少年都曾梦想某天自己能搭乘宇宙飞船漫游浩瀚宇宙,但现实中只有极少数的人有机会实现。当然除了通过观赏宇宙太空题材的影视剧作品之外,入手一款此类星际题材的游戏解解馋,也是不错的选择。 在去年6月上架Steam平台,获得特别好评的PC游戏《星锤:先驱预言》(Star Hammer:T...

There are a lot of young people have dreamed that one day they can ride the universe to roam the vast universe, but only a handful of people have the opportunity to achieve. Of course in addition to the ornamental space theme film and television dramas outside of a such interstellar theme game jiejie Chan, is also a good choice. In June last year, the Steam platform, won the special praise of the PC game "star hammer: Pioneer prophecy" (Hammer:T Star...