新关注 > 信息聚合 > 暗黑守护神双武器双职业玩法优劣解析


"Dark angel" original new gameplay is dark patron saint of double arms dual career gameplay quality analytical

2015-07-10 17:58:18来源: 4399

双武器玩法是《暗黑守护神》独创的全新玩法,玩家朋友们可以按照自己的需求为自己的角色装备上喜欢的武器。下面是各职业可选择的武器。 骑士 剑盾:特点为防御和招架能力突出,技能多为回复和守护方向,是最受同伴们喜欢的角色。 双手剑:特点为近身的命中和暴击能力突出,技能多为强攻类,是战场...

two weapon gameplay, players and friends can own role of equipment like weapons in accordance with their own needs. Here are the weapons of choice. Knight Sword and shield: features to highlight the defense and ability to withstand, skills for recovery and guardian of the direction is most companions like role. For the characteristics of hands sword: melee hit and crit abilities, skills for the storm, the battlefield is the...