新关注 > 信息聚合 > 明年V社将取消Major赛事 推出选手名人堂

明年V社将取消Major赛事 推出选手名人堂

V club next year will cancel the Major race with hall of fame

2016-07-13 18:31:04来源: 游久网

导读今天Ehome经理在微博中透漏,V社明年将取消season Major,会选择几个大的赛事方提供奖金.. 今天Ehome经理在微博中透漏,V社明年将取消season Major,会选择几个大的赛事方提供奖金,但不提供赛事运营费用。同时,将推出选手名人堂,除了选手取得过较好的成绩之...

Reading today Ehome manager revealed in weibo, V club next season will be cancelled as Major, offer our bonuses will choose several big events.. Ehome manager today revealed that in weibo V club next season will be cancelled as Major, will choose several big events provide a bonus, but does not provide operating expenses. Players will be introduced at the same time, the hall of fame, in addition to the athletes achieved good results of...