新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中国传媒大学南广学院设立电竞解说本科专业


The communication university of China in the south of e-sports explanation, is to set up undergraduate course

2016-12-28 00:00:00来源: 人民网

中国传媒大学南广学院宣布为电子竞技设立本科专业。而学院设立本科专业不是电竞选手,而是电子竞技解说与主持。我们可以从学校的招生信息清楚的看到,核心课程有:电子竞技解说与主持这一项。喜欢电竞和解说的朋友就可以考虑啦,学校为了培养行业的人才,设置了12门课程。还有《万万没想到》的中的王大锤扮演者,白客。就曾经是学校“CUCN201”组合的一员,当年给《搞笑漫画日和》配音过哦! 小伙伴们是不是躁动起来了呢?

Communication university of China in the south, is announced to set up undergraduate major e-sports. And the school undergraduate not electricity running hand, but the e-sports explanation and host. We can clearly see from the school recruitment of students information, core courses are: electronic sports commentary and preside over this one. Love e-sports and friends can consider, schools in order to develop the talents of the industry, set up 12 course. And "never expected" king of the sledge hammer actor, white. Once is a member of the school "CUCN201 combination", to "funny cartoon, and voice over! Stir up friends?

标签: 电竞