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全新机能登场 《为谁而炼金》异层塔你能爬上多少层

New function on who "gold" for different layer how much do you can climb the tower

2018-01-16 00:00:00来源: 人民网

DeNA中国引进日式超人气“新时代三次元空间”战棋手游《为谁而炼金》,并邀请人气歌姬洛天依作为国服代言人献唱同名主题曲,带领玩家们进入到一个故事精彩纷呈,角色众多,职业、技能、属性庞大的“炼金世界”!目前,游戏下载量已突破60万大关!全新活动“异层塔”,更将于本月18日重磅来袭,快来看看你能冲上多少层? 爬塔式副本来袭!专属武具海量道具等你来拿 异层塔是《为谁而炼金》中非常有趣的爬塔式副本,将会在本月18日11点整正式登场,并持续到2月1日11点整结束。在爬塔过程中不会消耗任何体力,并且通过每一层异层塔都有可能获得幻晶石、装备品10连券、武具召唤券等珍稀道具,制霸全50层后,即可获得...

DeNA China imported Japanese super three dimensional space "new era" war chess player who "gold" for, and invited popular song JiLuo day in as the clothes sing the theme song, with the same led the players into a brilliant story, character is numerous, profession, skills, attributes, a huge "gold in the world!" At present, the game downloads have topped 600000 mark! New activities "different layer tower", more this month on the 18th blockbuster hits, come and look at how much you can on the floor? Climb the tower was hit. Exclusive arms waiting for you with huge props to take different layer tower is very interesting in "gold" for who climb a copy of the tower, will be formally in 11 o 'clock on the 18th of this month, and continuing until 11 o 'clock on February 1. In the process of climbing tower will not consume any energy, and through the different layers each layer tower are likely to be unreal SPAR, equipment in 10 coupon, wu summoned even rare items, such as domination all 50 floors, can obtain...