新关注 > 信息聚合 > 为土豪玩家准备的?华硕推集成水冷高端主板


For local tyrants players? Asus integration water-cooled high-end motherboard

2017-03-13 00:00:00来源: 人民网

玩家国度与Bitspower联合推出了集成水冷系统的Maximum IX Extreme Z270主板,超过5000元的售价估计只有土豪玩家能承受得起了。 想要高性能和水冷但是又不会自己搞怎么办?华硕旗下的子品牌玩家国度日前就针对那些懒得自己动手但有足够预算的高端玩家推出了Maximum IX Extreme Z270主板,其最大特色就是预装有完整的水冷系统,而且还是来自于专门的水冷设备制造商Bitspower的哟!不过,高达755美元(约合人民币5213元)的售价真是够贵,有钱就是好! 在参数方面,Maximum IX Extreme Z270基于英特尔Z270芯片组所打造,可...

Player kingdom and Bitspower jointly launched the integrated water cooling system of Maximum IX Extreme Z270 motherboard, more than 5000 yuan price estimate only the local tyrants players can afford. Want to high performance and water but not yourself? Asustek's brand players country recently for those who are too lazy to themselves but enough budget high-end players introduced a Maximum IX Extreme Z270 motherboard, its biggest characteristic is installed a complete water system, but also from the special water cooling equipment manufacturers Bitspower yo! However, up to $755 (RMB 5213) price was expensive, enough money is good! In terms of parameters, Maximum IX Extreme Z270 Z270 based on Intel chipset, created can be...

标签: 玩家