新关注 > 信息聚合 > 王者荣耀新赛季开启 十二星座萌新上分英雄选择

王者荣耀新赛季开启 十二星座萌新上分英雄选择

King Rong Yaoxin season opened twelve constellation Meng new hero choice

2017-07-11 00:00:00来源: 人民网

盼望着,盼望着,暑假终于到了!俗话说的好“三伏天出去浪,不如在家打农药”,因此,又有一大波小萌新涌入了王者峡谷。但是小萌新们却纷纷表示:要么闪现空大,要么主宰被偷,一不留神越了塔,一言不合被团灭,当“坑爹”这个熟悉的词语屡次发生在自己身上,当“猥琐发育,别浪”成为每天的单曲循环,就不得不让人怀疑,究竟真的是自己手残,还是来自东方的神秘玄学——没充够钱? 小萌新如何才能迅速摆脱“坑爹”的光环,顺利开启新赛季上分之路呢?很简单,每个星座都有鲜明各异的性格,让一个喜欢自由的射手座去打程咬金,明显不行,肯定一言不合就浪飞了,让一个完美主义的处女座打野也不行,强迫症一犯,非得打到地图空空,白白错...

Looking forward, looking forward to the summer vacation, at last! As the saying goes "dog days out waves, as well at home, therefore, playing pesticides and a wave of small adorable new influx of kings canyon. But small adorable new are expressed: either empty or flash, dominate the stolen, a little more of the tower, yiyanbuge has been destroyed, when the "cheating" the familiar words occur frequently in his body, when the "wretched development, don't wave a daily single cycle, you have to make people doubt, really is his disability, or from the mysterious oriental Metaphysics -- no charge enough money? Small adorable new how to quickly get rid of" cheating "aura, successfully opened the new season on the road? Very simple, each sign has a distinct personality, let a love freedom Sagittarius to play Cheng Yaojin, obviously not sure, a word not just waves fly, let a perfectionist Virgo jungler can make a call to have obsessive-compulsive disorder, empty map, nothing wrong...

标签: 王者荣耀 星座