新关注 > 信息聚合 > PGL夏季赛线下总决赛DOTA2项目8强揭晓


PGL finals in the summer race line DOTA2 project announced 8

2016-07-12 18:26:31来源: 游久网

PGL2016夏季赛线下总决赛DOTA2项目8强阵容揭晓 《DOTA2》凭借出色的竞技性以及高额的赛事奖金,受到了国内外玩家的高度关注,使其成为了时下最热门的MOBA电竞游戏。此次PGL2016夏季赛也同样将这款游戏纳入为比赛项目之一,在已经结束的线上预选赛当中,来自国内的128支战队...

The final project DOTA2 PGL2016 summer line 8 strong lineup announced "DOTA2" with outstanding competitive and high prize money, has attracted attention by domestic and foreign game player, make it become the most popular MOBA gaming game. The PGL2016 summer tournament will also be included in this game as one of the competition, in the end of the online qualifying competition, from the domestic 128 teams...

标签: DOTA