新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《碧蓝幻想Versus》将加入含Boss战的「RPG模式」


"Blue fantasy versus" will add "RPG mode" with boss war

2019-11-06 10:53:24来源: 游戏时光

Cygames 今日宣布旗下格斗动作游戏《碧蓝幻想Versus》将加入“RPG”模式,官方还演示了兰斯洛特作为 Boss 登场的演示视频。 本作“RPG”模式将还原手游《碧蓝幻想》的部分内容,例如 Boss 将有各自特殊性能,让玩家使用 3 名角色与之对战,富有挑战性,此外“RPG”模式也将支持联网合作,允许 3 名玩家同时使用各自角色对抗 Boss。视频截图:《碧蓝幻想Versus》将于 2020 年 2 月 6 日发售, PS4 简繁中文版同步推出。来源:gamestalk

Cygames today announced that its combat action game "blue fantasy versus" will be added to the "RPG" mode, and the official demo video of Lancelot as a boss was also presented This "RPG" mode will restore part of the content of the mobile game "blue fantasy". For example, boss will have its own special performance, allowing players to use three characters to fight against it, which is challenging. In addition, the "RPG" mode will also support online cooperation, allowing three players to use their own characters to fight against boss at the same time. Screenshot: Blue fantasy versus will be released on February 6, 2020, and PS4 simplified and complex Chinese version will be launched simultaneously. Source: gametalk