新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《数码宝贝故事 赛博侦探:完整版》将于10月18日登陆Switch/PC

《数码宝贝故事 赛博侦探:完整版》将于10月18日登陆Switch/PC

Digital Baby Story Cyber Detective: Full Edition will be launched on Switch/PC on October 18.

2019-07-07 09:59:25来源: 游戏时光

万代南梦宫在今天的Anime Expo 2019上宣布将推出《数码宝贝故事 赛博侦探:完整版》,并确定本作会在10月18日登陆Switch和PC平台。如果你在此前未接触过这个系列,万代南梦宫还特地制作了一个预告片介绍游戏的基本背景:视频地址 《数码宝贝故事:赛博侦探 完整版》包含《赛博侦探》和《黑客记忆》两作的全部内容,不过目前并未说明是否会有额外新内容加入,也尚未确认中文。预告片截图:来源:万代南梦宫

Wandai Nanmeng Palace announced at today's Anime Expo 2019 that it will launch "Digital Baby Story Cyber Detective: Complete Edition" and confirmed that the book will be launched on Switch and PC platforms on October 18. If you haven't been in touch with this series before, Wandai Nanmeng Palace has also made a trailer to introduce the basic background of the game: the video address "Digital Baby Story: The Complete Edition of Cyber Detective" contains all the contents of "Cyber Detective" and "Hacker Memory", but it is not clear whether there will be any additional new ones. The content has not been confirmed in Chinese yet. Screenshot of trailer: Source: Wandai Nanmeng Palace

标签: PC Switch