新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《尖塔奇兵》即将脱离Early Access 价格随之上调

《尖塔奇兵》即将脱离Early Access 价格随之上调

The spire raiders will from Early Access price rise

2018-12-15 14:11:16来源: 游戏时光

在经历了一年多的Early Access阶段后,大受好评的卡牌Roguelike单机游戏《尖塔奇兵》(即《杀戮尖塔》)在最新的周更日志中宣布游戏将在明年1月23日正式发售,届时游戏价格也会在正式发售后上调。正式发售不代表更新停止,制作组Mega crit在日志中承诺“ 依旧会给爬塔加新功能“,同时新游戏也正在制作中。此外,《尖塔奇兵》之前还表示将会在2019年初登陆Switch平台,如果你想随时随地掏出Switch来一把,不妨再等等。

After more than a year after the stage of Early Access, big card Roguelike acclaimed the single-player game "spire" (that is, the spire to kill) in the latest week more log announced that the game will launch on January 23, when the game the price also will increase after the launch. Launch on behalf of the update not stop, the production team Mega crit promised in the log "still can add new features to climb the tower", at the same time a new game is in the making. In addition, the spire Jones also said before will be landing in early 2019 Switch platform, anywhere at any time if you want to take out the Switch to a pair of, might as well again, and so on.