新关注 > 信息聚合 > “趣谷APP”智慧校园 晨之科携手竣盈网络打造大学生理想之谷

“趣谷APP”智慧校园 晨之科携手竣盈网络打造大学生理想之谷

"Valley of fun APP" wisdom campus On the morning of families, hand in hand "junjun surplus network make the valley of college students' ideal

2018-12-18 00:00:00来源: 人民网

卸下了高考的重担,大学称得上是人生中最美好的一个阶段。水卡、电卡、饭卡、借书卡……各种各样的卡片连接起了最难忘的大学校园生活。随着网络技术的快速发展,校园里的这些卡片也开始逐渐被一个个手机应用所取代,而大学生们之前一直烦恼的卡太多容易丢的问题也被应用太多手机装不下所代替。“趣谷APP”智慧校园将整个大学校园浓缩集合到一起,同学们只需下载一个应用,便可轻松逛遍校园! 【还原校园生活大学生理想之谷】 “趣谷APP”是由晨之科与上海竣盈网络联合开发运营的一款综合型社区平台。趣谷平台立足大学生市场,提供含游戏、购物、旅游、视频、赚钱等一站式内容服务。虚拟现实场景,让大学生打造一个模拟城市,想...

To unload the heavy burden of the university entrance exam, the university is the best a stage of life. Water, electricity card, meal card, card... All kinds of card to link up with the most memorable college campus life. With the rapid development of network technology, campus of these CARDS is gradually replaced by the small mobile application, and college students before worrying, too many easy lost problem also replaced by too much mobile phone application to hold. Valley "fun APP" wisdom campus will condense together the whole university campus, the students only need to download an application and can be easily to walk the campus! 【 reduction campus life of college students' ideal valley 】 "boring valley APP" is by the morning of the branch with the Shanghai big surplus network the operation of the joint development of a comprehensive community platform. Valley of boring platform based on college students' market, including games, shopping, tourism, content of one-stop services such as video, to make money. Virtual reality scene, let the students make a sim city, want to...

标签: APP