新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《怪物猎人 世界》DLC也要搞武器防具设计大赛了

《怪物猎人 世界》DLC也要搞武器防具设计大赛了

"Monster hunter world" DLC also want to make weapons and armor design competition

2018-12-14 18:43:40来源: 游戏时光

Capcom今日宣布将为预计2019年秋天发行的《怪物猎人 世界》大型付费DLC“ICEBORNE”举办武器防具设计大赛。获得猎人武器以及随从猫装备最优秀奖的作品将被制作进游戏,设计者的名字也将列入工作人员列表中。上次大赛的优胜作品本次作品将从美国、欧洲、亚洲、日本4个地域中募集,运营对所有作品进行审查后,从中选出20件猎人武器、12套随从猫武器·防具套装。随后发布在SNS上,根据用户点赞数筛选出猎人武器的前8名、随从猫武器·防具套装的前5名。最终由开发团队从中选出最优秀奖。本次大赛的投稿时间为:2018年12月14日~2019年2月6日12:00(北京时间),想参加的朋友可以点击此处进行投稿,说不定就被采用了呢?来源:Fami通

Capcom announced today will be expected in the autumn of 2019 issue of the "monster hunter world" large paid DLC "ICEBORNE hold weapons, armor design competition". Has won the most honorable mention hunter weapons and follow the cat equipment work will be made into the game, the designer's name will also be included in the list of staff. Last competition winning the writings will be from America, Europe, Asia, Japan raised in four areas, operating to all works, after reviewing choose 20 hunter weapons, 12 sets of following cat weapons, armor suits. Later released on the SNS, according to user's thumb up for screening the hunter weapon before eight, after the cat weapons, armor suit top 5. Finally by the development team to choose the most honorable mention. Submitted for the competition: on December 14, 2018 ~ 12:00 on February 6, 2019 (Beijing time), and want to join the friends can click here to submit, perhaps will be adopted? Source: Fami

标签: 怪物猎人