新关注 > 信息聚合 > 第五人格用户破5000万 集游社云玩支持人气看齐抖音

第五人格用户破5000万 集游社云玩支持人气看齐抖音

The fifth personality break 50 million users Set to swim club cloud play supporting sentiment aligning with trill

2018-05-08 00:00:00来源: 人民网

最近网易出了一款游戏《第五人格》,简直是一夜爆红,更难得的是它并没有IP,也不像企鹅帝国出品的游戏那样有着微信手Q等超级APP为其导流,顶多只有网易云音乐助推一把。但就是在这样并没有太大先天优势的条件下,《第五人格》几乎是复制了网易此前的爆款手游《阴阳师》、《荒野行动》的奇迹,尽管一直处在抄袭黎明杀机的风波之中,但仍然挡不住其一夜崛起、人气爆棚,丝毫不影响玩家对游戏的喜爱。 其实这种一夜爆红的游戏有很多,微信的小游戏《跳一跳》就是一夜之间火起来的典型,但这种操作简单、缺乏足够内容的小游戏人气来得快,下降得也快,比如《跳一跳》现在人气就大不如前了。但《第五人格》显然不一样,自身有着极为成熟的...

Netease recently out of a game "fifth personality", it is night, more rare is that it is not the IP, also don't like penguins empire's game with micro letter hand Q such as super APP for its diversion, at most only netease cloud music booster. But is in such under the condition of congenital advantage is not much, "the fifth personality" is almost the replication netease had burst of hand swim "division of Yin and Yang", "the wilderness act" the miracle of, although had been copied dawn, fade in the storm, but still able to resist the rise of the first night, popularity and doesn't affect the player of the game of love. Actually this night hit the game has a lot of, WeChat little game "jump jump" is the typical fire up overnight, but the operation is simple, the lack of enough content of small game faster popularity drop too fast, such as "jump jump" sentiment is not now. But the fifth personality is different obviously, itself has a very mature...

标签: 抖音