新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《三国志11》、《三国志12》繁体中文版已在Steam上架


The reflection 11 ", adapted by 12 "traditional Chinese version has been in the Steam

2018-02-22 16:34:42来源: 游戏时光

策略游戏《三国志11 威力加强版》、《三国志12 威力加强版》今天(2月22日)已在 Steam 上架繁体中文版。《三国志11》原本于2006年发售,口碑极好,而《三国志12》在2012年发售,颇有争议,但战斗系统方面也获得了不少好评。两款“加强版”在1月登陆了 Steam,当时有不少国内玩家评论谈到语言问题,官方现在这就补上了。以下是两作的中文版截图,来自 光荣特库摩游戏 微博

Strategy games adapted by 11 a supercharged version ", adapted by 12 more powerful edition today (February 22) has been used in Steam on traditional Chinese version. Originally released in 2006, adapted by 11 "word of mouth is wonderful, and the reflection of 12" on sale in 2012, controversial, but the battle system has also received many high praise. Two new "enhanced" landed on the Steam in January, there were a lot of domestic players comments about language problems, official it up now. Here are two screenshots of Chinese, the game weibo from glory, libraries

标签: Steam