新关注 > 信息聚合 > 在更新之后,《星际迷航:舰桥船员》不用VR也能玩了


After the update, "star trek: the bridge crew without VR can play

2017-12-24 10:31:23来源: 游戏时光

育碧旗下的 Red Storm 工作室于近日放出了《星际迷航:舰桥船员》的最新补丁,该补丁移除了游戏对于 VR 设备的硬性需求。现在,没有 PS VR、Oculus Rift 或者 HTC Vive 的玩家,也能在这款游戏中指挥神盾号战舰了。除了移除了对 VR 的需求,本次更新还为游戏带来了对 Windows 混合现实示设备的支持、为没有 VR 的新玩家设计的图形增强以及跨平台联机功能。无论玩家是否拥有 VR、身处哪个平台,他们都可以与其它平台的玩家合作进行游戏。《星际迷航:舰桥船员》是一款基于J·J·艾布拉姆斯导演的《星际迷航》电影宇宙的模拟游戏,4名玩家将分别扮演舰长或是战术、机械和操舵长...

Ubisoft Red Storm studio in the recently released "star trek: the bridge crew" the latest patch, the patch removed the game, the rigid demand for VR devices. Now, there is no PS VR, Oculus Rift or HTC Vive player, also can command # aegis warships in the game. In addition to remove the demand for VR, this update also brings to the game for the equipment support the Windows mixed reality, designed for new players without VR graphics to enhance and cross-platform online function. Regardless of whether the player with VR, which platform, they can be playing with other players cooperation platform. Star trek: the bridge crew is a based on j. j. abramoff, director of "star trek" film universe simulation game, four players will play captain or tactics, mechanical and steering long...

标签: VR 星际迷航