新关注 > 信息聚合 > 编程猫跻身2017创业黑马TOP100,荣膺最具潜力创业公司


Programming the cat among the 2017 venture dark horse TOP100, won the most promising start-ups

2017-12-20 00:00:00来源: 人民网

日前,第十届创业黑马年会圆满收官,由创业黑马与易观联合发起、与网易科技联合发布的2017创业黑马TOP100榜单正式公布,著名少儿编程教育平台编程猫斩获殊荣,被评为年度最具潜力创业公司。 2017创业黑马TOP100颁奖现场 创业黑马TOP100榜单旨在“选出来”和“推出去”最能代表未来的公司,以创新价值、投资价值、成长价值、领先价值和人气为指标,从485个项目中评选出100家上榜公司。编程猫在创新性、成长性、可投资性及运营状况等方面均具有领先优势,并在行业内享有较高的知名度。 编程猫荣获2017创业黑马TOP100最具潜力创业公司 随着人工智能时代的降临,All in AI成为...

A few days ago, the 10th annual meeting a complete MSC entrepreneurship black, launched by entrepreneurship dark horse with analysys, netease science and technology jointly issued 2017 venture dark horse TOP100 list officially announced, famous children's programming education platform programming cat won awards, was named the most promising start-ups. Entrepreneurship dark horse TOP100 awards 2017 Entrepreneurship dark horse TOP100 list is intended to "selected" and "out" is the most can represent the future of the company, with innovation and investment value, growth, value, the leading value and popularity as an index, from 485 projects selected 100 listed companies. Programming cat in innovation, growth, investment and operating condition with lead, and in the industry have high visibility. Programming cat won the 2017 venture dark horse TOP100 the most promising start-ups With the coming of the artificial intelligence era, All become in AI...

标签: 编程