新关注 > 信息聚合 > 编程猫摘得钛媒体BTAwards年度最具潜在投资价值企业奖


Programming the cat won ti media BTAwards enterprise the most potential investment value of the year award

2017-12-20 00:00:00来源: 人民网

12月17日,2017钛媒体T-EDGE年度国际盛典在北京完美落幕。在本次活动的重头戏——BTAwards颁奖典礼上,编程猫从众多候选企业中脱颖而出,斩获年度最具潜在投资价值企业奖项。 BTAwards是具有权威性和敏锐挖掘力的创新大奖,每年年底由钛媒体数千名作者和内容团队,在BTAwards评选指导委员会的指导下,结合大众投票产生包括潜在价值榜单、前沿科技榜单、中国智造榜单、先锋人物榜单等在内的四大权威榜单和特色奖项。作为BTAward的第一个奖项,【年度最具潜在投资价值企业】旨在颁给那些颠覆旧有商业模式、突破市场游戏规则、拥有创新核心竞争力或者弥补市场和技术空白、具有良好成长性的企...

On December 17, 2017 ti media T - EDGE annual international festival in Beijing is the perfect ending. In the event of our BTAwards awards ceremony, programming cat emerge from many candidates, scooped the top one of the most potential investment value enterprise awards. BTAwards is authoritative and keen to dig the innovation awards, by the end of each year by titanium media thousands of authors and the content team, in BTAwards selection under the guidance of the steering committee, combined with the popular vote including potential value list, cutting-edge technology list, China smart list, pioneer list of four awards authority list and characteristics. As first award of BTAward, aimed at annual enterprise the most potential investment value 】 【 awarded to those who subvert the old business model, break through the market rules of the game, with innovative core competitiveness or make up for the blank market and technology, with good growth companies...

标签: 编程