新关注 > 信息聚合 > KPL一票难求?北通W1拉伸手柄让你不做吃瓜群众


KPL hard to get a ticket? North tong W1 stretch handle make you do not eat the melon masses

2017-12-11 00:00:00来源: 人民网

王者荣耀12月份最热的事件就该属KPL总决赛了,尽管总决赛的对阵双方尚未确定,但对于热爱电竞的小伙伴来说,这丝毫不妨碍一睹职业玩家巅峰对决的激动心情!相信不少人也曾幻想,要是我也能拥有职业玩家的操作就好了,但现实往往是手滑、误触、队友坑……想快速提升操作技巧吗?想现场观看王者荣耀精彩赛事吗?现在,北通W1拉伸手柄就将助你逆袭成神,北通杯王者荣耀高校争霸赛圆你现场观赛梦! 北通W1全面拓宽视野 看到《王者荣耀》玩家们在一个小小的屏幕上通过滑动、点击,实现一个又一个难以想象的操作。你是不是联想到了自己?别说视野了,有时候技能键都看不到在哪。那么你有想过,如果抛开手机的束缚,那会是怎样的一...

King glory in December for the hottest events should belong to KPL finals, although the finals against the two sides has not yet been determined, but for love e-sports friend, this is no obstruction to see professional gamers smackdown excitement! Believe that many people have fantasies, if I can have a professional operation, but the reality is often hand slide, by accident, his teammates... Want to quickly improve skills? Want to watch the king glory event? Now, the north pass W1 tensile handle will help you counter attack into god, north tong cup king glory champions of colleges and universities attending matches you dream! North tong W1 comprehensively broaden the vision to see the glory of the players on a small screen by sliding, click, to implement a an unimaginable and operate. Do you associate it yourself? Don't say vision, sometimes cannot see where skills are key. So have you ever thought, what if despite the constraints of mobile phones, it is a...