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Xbox向下兼容的背后 有一段鲜为人知的有趣故事

Behind Xbox's downwards compatibility, there is a little known interesting story

2017-12-10 09:54:20来源: 游戏时光

在10月24日,微软正式上架了首批13款支持向下兼容的初代 Xbox 游戏,包括《忍者龙剑传 黑之章》《黑煞》《星球大战 旧共和国武士》,实现了 Xbox One 的又一次突破。从2015年 Xbox One 向下兼容服务正式推出以来,已有数百款游戏加入了兼容的行列。在这背后,其实有着非常多有趣的故事。IGN 的 Ryan McCaffrey 特意前往 Xbox 总部,与向下兼容团队的成员进行了一次深度的访谈,来了解这背后不为人知的故事。在这个故事开始之前,有个问题想请问一下各位玩家,你最喜欢哪一届的 E3 展会?相信每个人都会有自己的答案,而对于在微软工作了28年的老将凯文·拉·夏...

In October 24th, Microsoft officially added to the first batch of 13 to support the downward compatibility of the first generation of Xbox games, including "Ninja Gaiden black" "black" chapter of "Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic", once again achieved a breakthrough in Xbox One. Since Xbox One's downwards compatibility service was officially launched in 2015, hundreds of games have joined the ranks. Behind this, there are a lot of interesting stories. IGN's &nbsp, Ryan McCaffrey went to Xbox headquarters and conducted a deep interview with members of the downward compatible team to understand this unknown story. Before this story begins, there is a question to ask the players. Which E3 exhibition do you like best? I believe everyone will have their own answers, and Kevin La Xia, who has worked at Microsoft for 28 years.

标签: Xbox