新关注 > 信息聚合 > PSN改名这个功能,可能会在2018年到来


PSN renamed this functionality, may come in 2018

2017-12-09 14:03:48来源: 游戏时光

在刚刚结束的 PSX 2017 活动上,PlayStation 的高管之一 Shawn Layden 在接受采访时暗示了玩家们呼声已久的 PSN 改名功能可能即将实现。Shawn Layden在接受采访时 Shawn Layden 表示,从技术的角度出发,PSN 改名的功能并非大家想象的那么容易实现,还开玩笑说他们已经让小精灵去研究这个事情了。但在媒体一再追问下,Layden 表示他希望能够在明年搞定这个问题,这样在 PSX 2018 举行的时候就不用又被追着问这个事情了。虽然并没有一个准信,但还是可以小小的期待一下。值得一提的是,吉田修平也曾经在2015年的时候就 PSN 改名功能...

PSX ended in 2017, one of the executives of PlayStation & have spent Shawn Layden in interviews hinted at players has long PSN renamed function may be about to achieve. Shawn Layden in an interview Shawn Layden said, from a technical perspective, PSN renamed function is not as easy to implement, you imagine also joked that they had let the elf to study it. But under the media asked repeatedly, Layden says he hopes to be able to fix this problem by the end of next year, so need not again be held in PSX 2018 chase asked it. Although does not have an approval in principle, but it can be a little looking forward to it. It is worth mentioning that yoshida pondereth also once in 2015 when the PSN renamed function...

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