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《最后的守护者》PS VR体验Demo将于12月12日推出

"The last guardian" PS VR experience Demo will be launched in December 12th

2017-12-09 12:49:10来源: 游戏时光

SIE 在今天的 PSX 2017 开幕活动上正式公布了《最后的守护者》PS VR 试玩体验,并确定将会在12月12日推出。玩家在这段试玩中将会以小男孩 Trico 的视角和大鹫互动,这段体验时长大约为10~15分钟左右。此外,官方表示这是一个完全独立的 PS VR 试玩体验,不需要玩家拥有原版游戏。同时他们也提到目前并没有大型的《最后的守护者》VR 项目正在开发中。

SIE officially unveiled the "Last Guardian" PS VR test experience at the opening of today's PSX 2017, and is sure it will be launched in December 12th. Game player will to the little boy Trico perspective and owashi interaction in this demo will, this experience brought up about 10~15 minutes. In addition, the official said it was a completely independent PS VR test experience, and did not need the player to have the original game. At the same time, they also mentioned that there is not a large "Last Guardian" VR project being developed at the moment.

标签: PS VR