新关注 > 信息聚合 > 吉田修平:《对马岛之鬼》规模将远超《声名狼藉》


Yoshida ponder: the ghost of tsushima scale will be far more than "infamous"

2017-12-10 12:13:32来源: 游戏时光

在刚刚结束的 PSX 2017 开幕式上,我们没能看到索尼展示任何《对马岛之鬼》的新预告或是演示,不过 SIE 全球工作室总裁吉田修平还是为我们带来了这款作品的一些信息。吉田修平透露,当他第一次看到《对马岛之鬼》的时候,游戏还处在早期开发阶段。在过去的两年间,他在游戏的各个开发阶段都进行过试玩,目前游戏的剑斗部分已经可玩,效果也相当不错。此外,吉田修平还表示,《对马岛之鬼》规模远超《声名狼藉》,是开发商 Sucker Punch 迄今为止制作过规模最大的游戏。为了制作《对马岛之鬼》,制作组特意前往了对马岛进行考察,并且他们的考察活动还被刊登到了报纸上。不过幸运的是,这则新闻在当时没有引起什么太...

PSX ended in 2017 at the opening ceremony, we can not see SONY show any "ghost of tsushima" new trailer or demo, but SIE global studio shuhei yoshida, President still brings in the works of some information. Yoshida pondereth revealed that when he first saw the ghost of tsushima, game is still in its early development stage. In the past two years, he try in every development stage of the game, the game's sword fights part already can play, the effect also is pretty good. In addition, yoshida xiu ping also said, "ghost of tsushima" size than the infamous, Sucker Punch is developers produced the largest game so far. In order to make the ghost of tsushima, production team has to tsushima, and their expeditions have been published in the newspaper. But fortunately, this news caused no at that time too...