新关注 > 信息聚合 > 编程猫荣获2017年度中国创客


Programming cat won the 2017 year China a guest

2017-12-07 00:00:00来源: 人民网

12月6日消息,12月4日,寻找中国创客第三季完美收官,编程猫以互联网教育项目斩获2017年度中国创客。乌镇创客之夜颁奖现场星光熠熠,大咖云集,熊晓鸽、阎焱、周鸿祎、汪潮涌、毛大庆、戴自更等中国创客导师,紫牛基金创始合伙人张泉灵、高瓴资本创始人张磊等创投界大佬,京东集团刘强东、知乎创始人周源、美团网创始人兼CEO王兴等企业高管汇聚一堂。 2017年度中国创客合影 “寻找中国创客”是新京报发起的系列公益活动和内容品牌,旨在寻找影响未来的伟大公司。今年3月底“寻找中国创客”第三季启动,超过2000个创业项目参与海选,近200个项目进入年度路演环节,45个项目在创新性、应用场景、贡献度、运...

News on December 6, December 4, looking for a guest in the third quarter, China well packaged, programming cat by Internet education project 2017 year China a guest. Wuzhen star-studded guest night awards, higher-ups, chief Hugo shong, Andrew y yan, Zhou Hongyi, Wang Chaochong, Mao Daqing, since more Chinese guest teachers, purple cattle fund founding partner Zhang Quanling, zhang, founder of the hillhouse capital venture capital industry bosses, jingdong liu, founder of zhihu victor zhou's adventures, Meituan founder and CEO Mr Wang and other executives together. Gen guest photo of 2017 year China "search for the" guest "is the Beijing news has launched a series of public welfare activity and the content of the brand, aimed at influencing the great company in the future. The end of march "gen" for China in the third quarter, more than 2000 start-ups in audition, nearly 200 projects into the annual road link, 45 projects in innovation, application scenarios, contribution, and luck...

标签: 编程