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《不义联盟2》新DLC人物公布 忍者神龟参战

"Unrighteousness alliance 2" new DLC figures released teenage mutant ninja turtles to war

2017-11-13 10:21:28来源: 游戏时光

近日,华纳公开了《不义联盟2》最新 DLC“斗士包3”的参战人物,并发布了一段宣传片。我们可以在其中惊喜地看到,除了 DC 漫画自家的角色,我们熟悉的忍者神龟也将在《不义联盟2》中登场。另外两位将在“斗士包3”中登场的角色为原子侠和魅惑女巫。原子侠是正义联盟的重要成员,他的能力是可以自由改变自己的身形;魅惑女巫则是一位反派人物,拥有强大的魔法力量,同时她也是去年的电影《自杀小队》中的大 BOSS。原子侠《自杀小队》中的魅惑女巫“斗士包3”上线日期暂时未定,拥有游戏终极版的玩家可以免费获得该 DLC,而原子侠将在12月12日提供抢先试玩。《不义联盟2》还将于11月14日登陆 PC 平台。来源:巴哈姆特

Recently, warner released "unrighteousness alliance 2" new DLC "fighter package 3" unit's character, and released a video. In which we can pleasantly surprised to see that in addition to the DC comics their roles, we are familiar with the teenage mutant ninja turtles will debut in the "unjust alliance 2". The other two will debut in the "fighter package 3" for the role of atomic man and charm witches. Atomic spiderman is one of the important members of the justice league, his ability is free to change their body shape; Witch is a villain, the charm has a strong magic power, she is also last year's film "suicide squads" the big BOSS. Atomic man charm in "suicide squads" witch "fighter package 3" launch date temporarily undetermined, with ultimate game players can get free of the DLC, and atomic man will provide first try in December 12th. "Unrighteousness alliance 2" will also be on November 14, on PC platform. Source: the ham