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Apple Samsung learn playing machine sea tactics: Jobs alive will support?

2016-03-14 22:38:17来源: TechWeb

苹果公司 北京时间3月14日消息,“简单”是苹果的重要标签,无论是软件还是硬件苹果都追求简单易用,然而近年来苹果似乎在产品线方面逐渐抛弃了精简主义,推出了型号、颜色、种类繁多的各种产品,大有向三星机海战术靠拢的意思。然而这也引发了人们非议,人们认为如今的苹果背弃了乔布斯时代传承下来的传...

Apple's Beijing March 14 news, "simple" is Apple's important label, whether it is software or hardware Apple pursue simple to use, but in recent years it seems Apple product line gradually abandoned the doctrine streamlined, launched models, color, a wide range of various products, much closer to the Samsung machine sea tactics meant. However, this also sparked criticism that people now think Apple abandoned the Steve Jobs era inherited pass ...

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