新关注 > 信息聚合 > App Annie发布2017上半年中国手游厂商出海报告

App Annie发布2017上半年中国手游厂商出海报告

App Annie issues report on China mobile game makers out to sea in the first half of 2017

2017-08-01 00:00:00来源: 人民网

App Annie近日发布了2017上半年中国手游厂商出海报告,报告统计了国内厂商在海外发行游戏的整体市场状况,对出海产品的营收能力、用户获取能力、市场占比做了详细对比分析,并按照业绩情况,对综合表现最好的20家出海厂商进行了排名。 报告显示,国内手游厂商出海已成今年的大趋势。从2017上半年来看,出海市场大盘已增长到去年同期的2.3倍,市场的增长速度也在加快。排除国内发行商收购的海外子公司来看,市场规模也在稳定增长。 可以从报告中看到,目前国内厂商出海势头猛烈的原因在于五个方面。 第一,国产游戏已经渗透进全球重点市场。 第二,新兴市场的潜力正在被放大。 第三,不同类型、体量的...

App Annie has released the first half of 2017 China mobile game makers out to report, report the domestic manufacturers in the overseas game overall market conditions, for the product revenue, user access ability, market accounted for as a detailed comparative analysis, and according to the results, the integrated performance ranked the best 20 to sea the manufacturer. According to the report, the domestic mobile game makers at sea has become a big trend this year. From the point of the first half of 2017, the sea the market has risen to 2.3 times in the same period last year, and the faster the growth of the market. Exclude domestic distributors to buy overseas subsidiaries, the size of the market is in a stable growth. Can see from the report that the current momentum of domestic manufacturers to sea fierce reason lies in five aspects. First, the domestic game has infiltrated key markets around the world. Second, the potential of emerging markets is being enlarged. Third, different type and dimension...

标签: 手游 APP