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IGXE.CN赞助中国CS:GO精英赛 助力夯实民间电竞产业基础

IGXE. CN sponsored China CS: GO classic power ramming folk e-sports industry base

2017-06-22 00:00:00来源: 人民网

刚刚过去的周末,CS:GO赛场上演了一场惨烈的角逐,在第五届中国CS:GO精英赛中135支首轮战队展开激烈对抗,只为争夺4个晋级下一轮的名额。这一由B5对战平台打造的重量级民间战队赛事至今已举办了五届,IGXE.CN再度作为赞助商参与其中。 本届精英赛共有292支民间战队参与,刷新了国内民间CS:GO赛事的记录,在接下来的一个多月时间里,这些战队将为了“民间最强”的荣誉展开激烈的争夺,而赛事中的相关虚拟饰品均由IGXE.CN赞助。 据介绍,这已经是IGXE.CN第5次赞助该赛事,而双方合作最初的渊源正是共同对CS:GO电竞项目前景的看好。B5对战平台是明基BenQ与ZOWIE GEAR倾...

This past weekend, CS: GO playing staged a bitter contest, in the fifth China CS: GO match in the 135 first round team fierce confrontation, just to compete for places in advance to the next round of 4. This by the B5 platform of heavyweight folk team event has been held five sessions, IGXE. CN as sponsors involved again. The match on a total of 292 folk clan, refresh the private domestic CS: GO event record, in the following more than a month of time, these teams will be for the sake of the honor of the strongest "folk" waging fierce competition, the competition in the relevant virtual accessories all by IGXE. CN sponsorship. According to introducing, this is IGXE. CN fifth sponsoring the event, and the cooperation of the original origin it is common for CS: GO e-sports project prospects look good. B5 combat platform is BenQ BenQ with ZOWIE GEAR pour...

标签: 电竞