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“E+计划”启动 多酷游戏深耕IP战略布局全产业链

"E + plan" How cool games deep IP strategic layout of the whole industrial chain

2017-06-22 00:00:00来源: 人民网

6月22日上午,“E+计划”暨艾格拉斯泛娱乐国际孵化器启动仪式在成都隆重举行。多酷游戏与艾格拉斯、中联百文三方达成深度战略合作,由艾格拉斯将全网播放量超过295亿的大热古装玄幻仙侠剧《三生三世十里桃花》进行游戏化,多酷游戏助力联合发行。三方均表示,此次合作是超级IP开发计划的首次试水,后续也将保持长期密切合作,打造书、影、游联动新模式。 “多酷游戏”的前身是百度游戏,公司一直在不断扩大以IP导向的产品策略,进行IP的全产业链开发运营,最大程度提升IP影响力,实现IP价值最大化,促进游戏行业向更高层面的突破。近几年,百度游戏陆续推出了《奔跑吧兄弟》官方系列手游、《汤姆猫跑酷》、《神鬼传奇...

"Morning of June 22 E + plan" and moxa glass pan entertainment international incubator launching ceremony was held in chengdu. How cool game with moxa grass, vanda best strategic cooperation, three parties to reach a depth quantity which is shown by moxa grass will cut more than 29.5 billion hot costume fantasy XianXia play junior iii li, peach blossom for gaming, how cool game booster joint distribution. Three party, says the partnership is super IP development plan for the first time, the follow-up will also maintain long-term close cooperation, build a new pattern book, movie, swim linkage. "How cool game" formerly baidu game, companies have been expanding to IP oriented product strategy, for the whole development of the industrial chain operations of the IP, the greatest extent promote IP influence, maximizing the value of IP, promote the industry to a higher level of breakthrough. Games in succession in recent years, baidu launched series of "run it brothers, 'the official mobile game, Tom cat parkour, ghosts-gods legend...

标签: 游戏