新关注 > 信息聚合 > 战旗直播Lyingman第二届城市狼王争霸赛再次席卷全球


Live the banner Lyingman second city Wolf king sweeps across the whole world champions again

2017-06-22 00:00:00来源: 人民网

2017年战旗直播Lyingman城市狼王争霸赛正式启动,本届比赛将全面覆盖华北、华东、华中、华南四大赛区,共计十七座城市,百家桌游吧网布全国,不论你身在何处,只要你拥有一颗强悍的狼王心脏,那么,欢迎你来到LYINGMAN的舞台!高额奖池等你来战! 四大赛区统一开启报名及比赛 报名时间:2017年6月29截至 7月6日 报名方式:微信搜索关注【战旗Lyingman】微信公众号即可参与报名。 (注:城市分区仅按便捷程度划分,不作为标准地理参考) 本次总决赛将于8月27日-8月30日登顶上海国际会展中心lan story玩家文化节,明星主播与千万观众一同见证终极狼王的诞生! Lan story总决赛现场图

2017 live the banner of the Wolf king Lyingman city champions officially launched, the game will be fully covers north China, east China, central China, south China's four big division, a total of 17 cities, the national hundred cafes net cloth, no matter where you are, as long as you have a strong Wolf king heart, so, welcome you to Lyingman stage! High prize pool is waiting for you to fight! Four division unified open enrolment and game Registration time: June 29 as of July 6, 2017, registration way: WeChat search attention WeChat Lyingman the banner 】 【 the public to participate in the application. Only by the convenience degree zoning (note: the city, not as a standard geographic reference) the NBA finals will be on August 27 - Shanghai international exhibition center on August 30, the summit LAN story players cultural festival, star hosts with tens of millions of viewers witness the birth of the ultimate Wolf king! Lan story final scene graph

标签: 直播