新关注 > 信息聚合 > 抖音支援高能团,张一山王大陆看了都想玩!


Trill support high-energy group, yishan zhang mainland king looked at all want to play!

2017-06-19 00:00:00来源: 人民网

6月17日晚,《高能少年团》迎来了收官的倒数第二期节目。经过一周的休息,刘昊然、王俊凯、张一山、董子健、王大陆组成的兄弟团热血回归,加上本期的特别嘉宾张天爱,何穗,张大大,8人将携手共同闯关。 而本期节目里最高能的部分无疑是张天爱用抖音拍短视频!在本期的挑战环节现场,张天爱被要求挑选5名观众,和他们一起完成抖音短视频的拍摄。 这怎么难得到作为演员的张天爱呢?看完范例视频,张天爱就迅速进入状态,带着观众一起对着手机开始摇摆,拍视频的专业程度不输抖音上的网红达人。 别看抖音视频个个酷炫,其实拍起来非常简单,选好音乐,跟着节奏表演,再加上滤镜和特效,一条刷爆朋友圈的视频就完成了。当然...

Late on June 17, the energetic youth club "usher in the penultimate MSC programme. After a week of rest, Liu Haoran, chun-kai wang, yishan zhang, Dong Zijian, king of mainland moonbeam blood return, together with the special guest this flora, sui he, zhang greatly, eight people will advance together hand in hand. And the highest can part in this program is definitely flora using trill short video! In this period of challenge link site, the flora was asked to pick five audiences, and together they finished shooting trill short video. How is that hard to get flora as an actor? Finish see example video, flora is quickly into the state, together with the audience began to swing on a cell phone, video of professional degree not lose trill on web celebrity. Don't shake audio and video are cool, actually taken up is very simple, choose good music, follow the rhythm, coupled with the filter and the special effects, a maxed circle of friends and the video is done. Of course...

标签: 抖音