新关注 > 信息聚合 > 画师集结 《兵器少女》同人绘画作品精选

画师集结 《兵器少女》同人绘画作品精选

Painters gathered the weapon girl fan paintings featured

2017-06-09 12:44:46来源: 任玩堂

由《兵器少女》和“FUN成都游戏动漫节”联合举办的同人主题动漫创作大赛正火热进行中!今日,第一期大赛精选作品新鲜出炉啦!在不同风格的画师们精心描绘下,精美的个性角色一定会让小伙伴们们感受到不一样的少女萌娘,下面就一起来看看优秀画师为我们带来的精彩同人作品吧!更多优秀作品请关注《兵器少女》同人创作大赛李·蕊 绘画者:panpan_w铳 绘画者:二萌阿提拉 绘画者:翠翠兵器公主 绘画者:杉鑫此次《兵器少女》同人创作大赛将持续至6月20日,大赛为参赛者准备了数千元的现金大奖!更重要的是,优秀的绘画作品都有机会在《兵器少女》官网及FUN成都游戏动漫节官网进行展示并永久珍藏,优秀创作者有机会参与游戏角色...

By "weapon girl" and "FUN game animation festival in chengdu joint submission for the theme manga contest is going on! Today, the first contest of selected works fresh! Under the different styles of masters portray, elegant character role will let friends feel not the same girl of niang, here is a look at some outstanding painter bring us wonderful fan fiction! More outstanding works, please pay attention to the weapon girl fan writing contest lee core painting: panpan_w spear painting: two of attila painting: cui cui weapon princess Painting: Chinese fir xin the "weapon" fan creation competition will continue until June 20, the competition for the contestants thousands of yuan cash prize! More importantly, the outstanding paintings have an opportunity in the weapon girl website and FUN game animation festival in chengdu's official website to display and permanent collections, excellent creators have the opportunity to participate in the game characters...