新关注 > 信息聚合 > 日播放量破亿,带点魔性的“抖音”如何撬动年轻人的表达欲?


On the other hand, how many young people can express the desire of "young people"?

2017-05-08 00:00:00来源: 人民网

短视频的热风继续吹,这个由今日头条孵化的音乐社区如何看待自己? 2016年年中,今日头条一支内部孵化的新团队低调成立;同年9月,含着金汤匙的抖音正式上线。 把时间进度条再往前拨一年。如果你还记得2015年5月一下科技推出的爆款 App 小咖秀,以及7月登顶全美 iOS 总榜的 musical.ly,就会发现抖音与这两款产品多少有些相似:15 秒短视频,用户采用伴奏对嘴的方式表演,产品提供操作简单、创意性(甚至带点鬼畜感)的后期剪辑方式。 所以抖音的玩法并不能说完完全全是新的,但这款音乐短视频产品目前风头正劲:日均 VV (视频播放量)过亿,各路明星网红纷纷转发,甚至网易云音乐...

The short video of the hot wind continues to blow, and how does the music community, which is hatched by today's headlines, see itself? In mid 2016, today's headlines, a new team of internal incubation low-key establishment; in September of the same year, with gold spoon shake sound formally launched. Put the time schedule forward for another year. If you remember the May 2015 science and Technology launched App explosion models of small coffee show, and the musical.ly summit in July the iOS overall standings, will find the trill and the two products are somewhat similar: 15 seconds short video, users with accompaniment to mouth way performance products provide simple operation, creative (and even a little kichiku sense) post editing mode. So trill play can not be said is completely new, but the music short video products currently heady: daily VV (video playback) billions of dollars, the brightest star of red net have been forwarded, even NetEase cloud music...

标签: 抖音